Clean Fuels Conference 202

Growth Energy Kicks Off E15 Now Bus Tour

Cindy Zimmerman

Growth Energy has kicked off a new E15 Now bus tour and website to rally support for quick action on the president’s promise to allow E15 ethanol blends to be sold year round.

“Nationwide adoption of E15 could drive billions of gallons of new ethanol demand, creating a much-needed market for two billion bushels of American corn,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor. “Our bus tour will help spread the message at fairs, campaign rallies, and community events across the heartland that rural America wants action on E15, and we want it now.”

E15 is already sold in 30 states at least 8 months out of the year. However, due to outdated regulations, many consumers are unable to choose to put cleaner burning renewable biofuel blends like E15 in their tanks, an option which could save them 4 to 10 cents per gallon.

The new website is

E15, Ethanol, Growth Energy