Clean Fuels Conference 202

Helping Motorcyclists Fuel Their Knowledge of Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) had more help than ever before pumping E10 fuel and educating motorcyclists about ethanol at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip for the recent 2018 motorcycle rally. It was the tenth year that RFA has brought the ethanol message to nearly a half million bikers and those on hand to help included RFA board members, industry volunteers, and former interns.

RFA president Mick Henderson with Commonwealth Energy in Kentucky was there last year and had enjoyed it so much he made a return visit. “This is a wonderful place to make direct contact with people who use ethanol fuels, E10, in a motorcycle,” said Henderson. “We’re all here to support the same initiative and good story to tell.”

Audio – Interview with RFA president Mick Henderson, Commonwealth Energy

Brothers Austin and Evan Ludowese each attended Sturgis during internships with RFA, one in 2015 and one in 2014, and they have seen some big changes since that time.

“I think the attitude towards ethanol being here has changed dramatically,” said Austin.

“The biggest thing from when it started until now is that there just was no information about it before,” added Evan.

Audio – Interview with former RFA interns Austin and Evan Ludowese

Doug Brandmahl is a general contractor from Virginia who met RFA’s Robert White by chance in 2009, the first year that RFA had a presence at Sturgis. “So I helped him out that week and this is the tenth year so I came back to help him celebrate,” said Brandmahl. “It’s really grown, he’s done a great job.”

RFA’s presence has grown from just having some signs and giving away t-shirts to now having a permanent pump location that is open year round and being a major sponsor at the Buffalo Chip and for the annual Legends Ride.

Audio – Interview with RFA volunteer Doug Brandmahl

2018 Sturgis Rally Ethanol Promotions Photo Album

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Motorcycle, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, Sturgis