Clean Fuels Conference 202

Diesel Brothers Show Featuring MSR&PC Truck

Chuck Zimmerman

If you missed the last 4th season episode of Diesel Brothers then don’t miss the next episode. The Diesel Brothers Biodiesel Truck will star again. It was on display at this year’s Commodity Classic.

Kris Folland, Pat Sullivan and Craig Bangasser are ready for their close-ups. The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) directors (Bangasser’s term ended in 2017) will appear on the second of a pair of episodes of Discovery’s “Diesel Brothers” show.

Last year, the Council partnered with the DieselSellerz to build a customized truck that runs on biodiesel. The trio of directors met the four “DieselSellerz” last summer at the group’s headquarters in Utah. The directors participated in filming in August 2017 during the foursome’s visit to southern Minnesota, and completed their portion of filming last winter at Commodity Classic in California.

“It’s been a long time coming, and I’m very excited to relive the experience of meeting the DieselSellerz,” Bangasser says. “I had a blast meeting the guys, and the truck is an incredible body of work.”

The truck the DieselSellerz built for MSR&PC was officially unveiled to the public in spring 2018, and has toured the state this summer promoting biodiesel. In May 2018, Minnesota moved to a B20 (20 percent biodiesel) blend in the summer months.

The second episode chronicling the build of “Indomitus” will air 9 p.m. CDT on Monday, Aug. 20.

Biodiesel, Trucks