The custom RFA motorcycle designed by Paul Jr is located right in the middle of that crowd of bikers!
Discovery Channel crews filmed the unveiling of the RFA custom motorcycle earlier this year at East Kansas Agri-Energy in Garnett, Kansas and a crowd of more than 500, mostly on motorcycles, were part of the show. The bike will be the centerpiece of a RFA’s new “Fuel Your Knowledge” educational campaign to inform consumers about the proper use of ethanol-blended fuels in boats, motorcycles, and other small engines.
The custom chopper will also be on display this week at the RFA booth in the Fuel Ethanol Workshop trade show, and Paul Jr. is scheduled to stop by for a visit Tuesday from 11 am to 1 pm.
Learn more about RFA’s American Chopper promotion in these recent interviews with RFA Vice President for Industry Relations Robert White.
Ethanol Report on Custom Ethanol Chopper Ethanol Report on Biker and Boater Education