EVs and Ethanol Mix Well Together

Cindy Zimmerman

The future is bright for electric vehicles and ethanol to work together to increase future vehicle energy efficiencies and reduce costs for consumers, according to Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Bob Dinneen who testified yesterday before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment.

“Indeed, emerging technologies that utilize ethanol’s unique properties in hybrid electric technology, and even fuel-cell powered vehicles, demonstrate that low-carbon ethanol and electricity can be a winning solution to address future climate and energy security issues,” Dinneen testified.

Dinneen noted that his wife drives a hybrid electric car, while he prefers his flex-fuel pickup. “That just underscores my point,” he said. “There will be consumers for whom electric vehicles work well…and there will be consumers who will continue to prefer liquid transportation fuels. Public policy needs to make room for both.”

Read Dinneen’s prepared remarks and listen to his opening comments here: PlayRFA CEO Bob Dinneen EV hearing opening statement

Watch the full hearing.

Audio, Electric Vehicles, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA, RFS