Celebrate Biodiesel Day with 25 Fun Facts

Cindy Zimmerman

Rudolf Diesel would be celebrating his 160th birthday this March 18, if he were still alive, but his name lives on and the example he set of using peanut oil in the first diesel engine celebrates 25 years this year in the National Biodiesel Board (NBB).

To celebrate 160 years of Rudolf Diesel and 25 years of biodiesel, NBB has put together a slide show highlighting 25 Fantastic Facts about biodiesel.

For example, did you know?

Willie Nelson was keynote speaker for the National Biodiesel Conference in 2006
– All OEMs producing diesel vehicles and equipment for the U.S. market support the use of at least B5 biodiesel blends
– It is the nation’s first domestically produced, commercially available advanced biofuel.
– Biodiesel is used in the Northeast as a blended product for heating oil called Bioheat®

Find out more here.

Biodiesel, NBB