Duane Kristensen, Chief Ethanol; NE Gov. Ricketts; NDA Director Greg Ibach; Energy Office Director David Bracht
“The ethanol industry is a prime example of how we can add value to the agriculture commodities that we grow right here in Nebraska,” said Governor Ricketts. “Through the process of turning corn into ethanol, several other co-products are produced, including distillers grains, corn oil, corn syrup, and dry starch. This is the type of value-added agriculture that helps create jobs, increase demand of locally-grown commodities and attract new businesses which is all part of growing Nebraska.”
Governor Ricketts, chairman of the Governor’s Biofuels Coalition, is a strong advocate of the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) to help provide stability and certainty for partners in the ethanol industry.
Joining the governor were Duane Kristensen with Chief Ethanol Fuels, NE Agriculture Director Greg Ibach and Energy Office Director David Bracht. Watch the full press conference below.
2017 ACE Conference Photo Album