Clean Fuels Conference 202

#Ethanol Industry to EPA: Deny Point of Obligation Change

Joanna Schroeder

screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-9-50-39-amA letter was sent to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator McCarthy yesterday from the ethanol industry, along with some unlikely allies, calling on the EPA to deny the request for a change to the point of obligation for Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)  compliance.  The letter was signed by Growth Energy, API, RFA, PMAA, Advanced Biofuels Association, NACS, NATSO and SIGMA. The letter states:

Dear Administrator McCarthy,

The undersigned associations represent a significant majority of participants across the United States’ transportation fuels value chain. While each association has an individual, unique position – often conflicting – regarding the broader Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program, we write to express our unified position in opposition to efforts by petitioners to move the point of obligation for RFS compliance. It is unprecedented for all of these undersigned groups to unite in a single letter to express a uniformly held position.

Each of the undersigned associations strongly supports the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed denial of petitions for a rulemaking to change the point of obligation under the RFS. There is no sound public policy rationale for moving the point of obligation and further, such a change would add complexity and uncertainty to the current RFS program.

We urge EPA to finalize its conclusion and deny the petitions to move the point of obligation.

EPA, Ethanol, Growth Energy, RFA, RFS