Clean Fuels Conference 202

Growth Energy Talks Ethanol with FFA

Jamie Johansen

ffa-16-269-editedFFA students already understand the importance of ethanol to rural communities and national security, says Cory Harris of Growth Energy and American Ethanol.  That’s why they’ve chosen this special group of agriculture students to focus the message of performance.

“Our message here at National FFA Convention, […] we really wanted to focus this year on engine performance with Ethanol,” Harris told Jamie Johansen.

Many of the students at the event knew ethanol was corn based, and some related it to racing, but the team at Growth Energy wanted to go a little further.  They brought in a racing boat and experts to share with the future of agriculture just how proficient this alternative fuel can be.  Students can be skeptical about how it will work for them, Harris explains.  Their goal is to assure members that the product works great in small engines too, like their car or lawn mower.

The Convention provides a great place for students to talk about the science behind the product, but it will also provide the opportunity for a student to attend a NASCAR race and see ethanol in action with a drawing for free tickets.

Learn more about Growth Energy and their goals for FFA in Jamie’s interview: Interview with Cory Harris, Growth Energy

Be sure to check out even more action by viewing the 89th National FFA Convention & Expo Photo Album.

Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by FMC
Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by New Holland
Ag group, American Ethanol, Audio, Ethanol, Growth Energy