Last week was NASCAR Green week in celebration of Earth Day. According to the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), it was also the perfect time to promote the benefits of American Ethanol. Since 2008, NASCAR drivers have been racing with E15 and to promote the green benefits, NASCAR released a video.
According to NASCAR in an ethanol feature piece, this partnership that includes NCGA and Growth Energy, along with several others are reducing the sport’s environmental impact, validating green technologies and educating fans. NASCAR notes that collaborative efforts between the groups have allowed the partners to expand awareness of E15’s benefits and availability at the pump.
The NASCAR article concludes, “Upwards of 75 million NASCAR fans each weekend in a season that stretches from February to November are exposed to American Ethanol. These fans are the most loyal of any professional sport. They are three times more likely to try or purchase a sponsor’s products and services because they know it keeps their favorite driver on the track. If NASCAR fans who support using ethanol in their vehicles would switch from E10 to E15, they have the potential to eliminate greenhouse gases created from more than 3.5 billon miles of driving.”