Clean Fuels Conference 202

Propane Autogas Revs Up the FS System

Cindy Zimmerman

fs-growmarkBusinesses and organizations are recognizing the benefits of switching from gasoline or diesel fuel to propane autogas.

The GROWMARK FS System is enjoying the benefits firsthand through the use of propane powered vehicles and supplying and servicing customers such as school districts and municipalities.

fs-propane-truckBecky Borkgren, GROWMARK’s Propane marketing and technical services manager, is a vocal advocate in her new propane powered pickup truck. “I love this truck. It is bi-fuel and is equipped to run on gasoline or propane,” said Borkgren. “We worked with Hendrix Industrial Gastrux located in Wauconda, IL to install an Icom North America liquid injection system. It’s all “plug and play,” meaning this system eliminates “splicing and dicing” of parts and minimizes the risk of errors.”

The industry refers to overall savings as “total cost of ownership” because fuel expense is only one component affecting the bottom line. Savings can be attributed to less fuel consumed, less maintenance, reduced oil consumption, less electricity to plug in diesel engines, and no diesel exhaust fluid.

Visit to learn more about the FS System and Propane Autogas.

autogas, FS Energy, GROWMARK, Propane