Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas (the state of the Clinton’s), took the soapbox this morning as the kick-off candidate of the Des Moines Register’s Presidential Soapbox series taking place during the Iowa State Fair. He was the winner of Iowa’s 2008 Republican Caucuses. Now back to the Clintons for a moment. Huckabee worked and fought and campaigned against them for many years and said he won, then noted, “I hear Hillary Clinton could not come. She will email in her appearances”.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee addresses the crowds on the Presidential Soapbox during the Iowa State Fair.
Since this is a site about alternative energy, I will be focusing my reporting on his views (and other candidates as well) on this issue. However, I will throw in some of his campaign platform issues as well.
For Huckabee, these are getting America back on a solid economic, security and moral ground. Through his “fair tax” he wants to bring manufacturing jobs back home and enable companies to build the products that are created in our own country competitively. He wants our military to be so strong, “nobody around the globe ever wants to pick a fight with us’. He wants to dismantle the IRS and bring frugal spending back to Congress. He noted, “We spend our campaign money like you wish the government spent your tax money. We try to be frugal.”
In terms of the biofuels and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), he said he is a big supporter. Why? Because our government made a promise to the farmers and those in the biofuels industry. “The government came to American farmers and asked them to engage in a process,” said Huckabee. To pull out disrupts an economy. He said the government made a promise to farmers and the renewable fuel industry and pulling out “just messed up people who trusted their government”. He feels the same about how veterans and those on social security and Medicaid are also being treated.
In closing, Iowa Ag Secretary Bill Northey encourages everyone, including presidential candidates, to #GetYourAgOn at the Iowa State Fair.
To learn more about why Mike Huckabee wants to be our next president listen to his speech here: Mike Huckabee at the Iowa State Fair