Clean Fuels Conference 202

BioEnergy Bytes

Joanna Schroeder

  • BioEnergyBytesDFScottMadden, Inc., one of North America’s leading energy consulting firms, is joining the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) to lead a group of approximately 25 U.S. energy industry executives to the bellwether energy market of Germany to exchange information with electricity and solar market leaders who are adapting to change in this dynamic and controversial environment. This select group of executives will meet with energy industry peers with the goal of returning with insights and practical knowledge that can be applied to planning and business decisions in the United States. The trip, taking place September 14–18, will feature face-to-face meetings with thought leaders and decision makers from the electric utility, transmission, and renewable energy industries; government, trade, and industry associations; and market experts.
  • The Solar Company has a new partnership with Hall of Fame football player, Ronnie Lott. Lott and his wife Karen had a 26kW system installed on their Bay Area home which helps them save money on electricity while showing their commitment to living a greener life. Lott’s enthusiasm for switching to solar and his positive experience with The Solar Company has led to an endorsement deal.
  • Mainstream Renewable Power has announced the signing of an agreement with Swiss wind farm developer NEK Umwelttechnik to purchase the 225 megawatt (MW) Ayitepa Wind Farm, located 40 kilometres from Accra on the east coast of Ghana. The project, which represents a total investment of USD525 million, is expected to reach financial close next year and start generating power early in 2016. The companies will co-develop the wind farm until financial close. Mainstream will manage the construction as well as the operations and maintenance of the wind farm for its lifecycle. When fully operational the wind farm will generate approximately 10% of Ghana’s total electricity generation capacity which currently stands at 2,000MW.
  • Arthur Kay, the 23-year-old British founder of environmentally sustainable startup bio-bean, has won the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge 2014. The jury, chaired by Ellen MacArthur, awarded Kay euro 500,000 ($680,000 USD) at the final in Amsterdam to realize his green business plan. Kay’s company uses a patented process to upcycle waste coffee grounds into advanced biofuel products, namely biodiesel and biomass pellets, used for powering buildings and transport systems. Bio-bean is acting in response to the need to produce clean, cheap, local energy while responsibly collecting and disposing of waste.
Bioenergy Bytes