Florida Biodiesel Brings Green Fuel to Africa

John Davis

Florida-Biodiesel1Biodiesel-brewing equipment maker Florida Biodiesel, Inc. is sending another one of its biodiesel processors to Africa. Back in April, we told you about the company’s B-500 biodiesel plant was sold to the Lorymat Corporation in the Ivory Coast. Now, Florida Biodiesel has sold a B-60 biodiesel plant sale to Avandith Energy in Lagos, Nigeria.

Avandith Energy has chosen the B-60 Biodiesel processor for their pilot transesterification facility. The B-60 Biodiesel plant is economical to operate and will allow Avandith Energy to safely produce 4 batches of Biodiesel each 24 hours. The B-60 will also be used as a hands-on educational tool to show students and government agencies how to make renewable energy. “We will process Jatropha oil collected locally into Biodiesel fuel,” says Oladunjoye Waleola, of Avandith Energy. “The B-60 is very user friendly, has a low carbon footprint, and will economically produce Biodiesel for us.”

Florida Biodiesel has been producing biodiesel making equipment since 2006 and touts its safety external heat exchanger, cyclonic mixer, methanol recovery module, and the AUTOBIO biodiesel plant automation system technologies.

Biodiesel, International