Clean Fuels Conference 202

BioEnergy Bytes

Joanna Schroeder

  • BioEnergyBytesDFOrion Energy Systems was recognized as a 2013 Xcel Energy Efficiency Partner for outstanding efforts to save energy.
  • SeaRoc, was awarded 2nd place award in the 2014 renewableUK and The Crown Estate Health & Safety Awards for their innovation and delivery of a ‘minimal human intervention’ lattice tower installation methodology, recently deployed at Dogger Bank, alongside Forewind and Universal Foundation.
  • The Håkan Frisinger Foundation for Transportation Research has awarded its 2013 scholarship to Professor Lars Nielsen at Linköping University. Nielsen will receive the scholarship of SEK 250,000 for his national and international successes in vehicular systems research as well as hybrid technology, where Nielsen has been a strong contributor to the research development of national hybrid technology within The Swedish Hybrid Vehicle Centre (SHC).
  • According to a recent report from Navigant Research, worldwide revenue from electric vehicle supply equipment, or EVSE, sales will grow from $567 million annually in 2013 to $5.8 billion in 2022.
Bioenergy Bytes