Ecotech Institute Reveals Top Green Jobs for 2014

Joanna Schroeder

Green jobs are on the rise and 2014 is slated to be a great year for growth in the sustainable energy sector, according to Ecotech Institute. The Ecotech Institute Clean Jobs Index measures the reality of green jobs and other sustainability factors across the United States. The Index’s latest data reveals a bright outlook in 2014 for cleantech leaders, educators, political leaders, students and job seekers.

Ecotech Clean  Job IndexWithin about the last 30 days, more than 72,000 green job positions with hundreds of job titles were available across the country correlating with trends seen all year. For example, the solar industry had almost 500 job listings since November 5, 2013-December 6, 2013 ranging from Installation Technicians to Sales Representatives and everything in between.

Jobs classified under the broad renewable energy umbrella had approximately 21,000 job listings offered in the last 30 days. This data includes many renewable energy sources with positions in the following areas: Energy Efficiency: 6,600; Electrical Engineering: more than 23,000; Power Utility: 744; and Facility Management: more than 6,470.

So what are Ecotech’s Sustainable Energy Job Predictions for 2014? Based on the last 30 days:

  • Solar had just under 500 job listings: That trend will continue in 2014 as both commercial and residential solar development increases.
  • Wind had less than 100 job listings:  However, requests for wind resumes has been very high and we predict those numbers will increase in 2014.
  • Energy Efficiency had about 6600 job listings: These include everything from medical jobs, to energy auditing, and many, many jobs in between. Most companies include energy efficiency in their job descriptions.
  • Electrical Engineering jobs included over 23,000 listings: The largest demand is for fluid and control Field Service Technicians, a category that is exploding and will continue to be in high demand for 2014.
  • Power Utility job listing were 744: With an aging workforce, the power utility industry will continue to have high job growth.
  • Facility Management had over 6400 jobs listed: As companies look for energy savings, this area will have significant growth in 2014.
Clean Energy, Education