Clean Fuels Conference 202

BioEnergy Bytes

Joanna Schroeder

  • BioEnergyBytesDFAmyris, Inc. and Total announced the formation of Total Amyris BioSolutions B.V., a 50-50 joint venture that now holds exclusive rights and a license under Amyris’s intellectual property to produce and market renewable diesel and jet fuel from Amyris’s renewable farnesene. TOTAL is Amyris’s largest investor, holding approximately 18% of its outstanding common stock, and is deeply committed to the development of next-generation renewable fuels from biomass.
  • New speakers have been announced for the European Biomass to Power conference taking place April 1-2, 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Frank Scholdann Lund, area sales manager for Aalborg Energie Technik a/s will speak on ‘Multi-Fuel Fired Biomass Cogeneration Plant’ focusing on how Zignago Power provides high fuel flexibility, high availability, high performance and low emissions. Early Bird rates are still available.
  • Just Energy has announced the establishment of a new charitable initiative, the Just Energy Foundation. The Foundation is a realization of the company’s vision to establish a dedicated entity to give back to the communities it serves, and supports charities in Canada and the United States that work to enhance the lives of local residents in need. The Foundation is funded by Just Energy, a leading North American retailer of electricity, natural gas and green energy.
  • Alterra Power Corp. has announced the sale of its 10% stake in the 50 MW ABW Solar project to a consortium led by Fiera Axium Infrastructure, Inc.
Bioenergy Bytes