Clean Fuels Conference 202

DF Cast: A More Reliable Solar Investment Way

John Davis

Investing in renewable energy, particularly solar, hasn’t always been an easy proposition. The biggest stumbling block is the way you have to invest in a company and all the baggage that comes with that company. But Oakland, Calif.-based Mosaic, America’s first online marketplace to offer solar investments to the public, believes there’s a better way, allowing investors to invest in projects instead of the whole company.

In this edition of the Domestic Fuel Cast, we talk with Katie Ullman with Mosaic, who explains their platform is changing the way solar, and other renewable, investments are considered. She explains how their team works to find the right investments, weeding out the vast majority of the ones considered to minimize the risks for investors and maximizing the chances for success.

Listen to more of the conversation in this Domestic Fuel Cast: Domestic Fuel Cast - Katie Ullman, Mosaic

You can also subscribe to the DomesticFuel Cast here.

Audio, Domestic Fuel Cast, Solar