Oil Cos. Ordered to Up Biodiesel Blend in Indonesia

John Davis

Indonesia flag1Two major foreign oil companies operating in Indonesia are being told to comply with that country’s law and increase the amount of biodiesel in the mix at their filling stations. Biofuels International reports PT Shell Indonesia and PT Total Oil Indonesia must increase to at least a 10 percent biodiesel mix in all diesel sold by this coming January or face sanctions, including business license revocations or suspensions of operations.

‘We will inspect their petrol stations from time to time to ensure the regulation is being followed,’ director general of renewable energy and energy conservation Rida Mulyana was quoted as saying.

The regulation also requires a minimum of 10% biodiesel in diesel fuel mixes used for industrial and commercial purposes and 20% for those used in power plants.

Indonesian officials believe the companies are blending as little as 1 percent biodiesel right now.

Biodiesel, International