Clean Fuels Conference 202

Army Awards Wind Technologies Under MATOC

Joanna Schroeder

130919-A-QY194-001The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, working with the Army Energy Initiatives Task Force (EITF), has awarded its third round of funding as part of the Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (MATOC) to a 17 wind technology contractors.

The contractors qualified through this process will be able to compete for future wind renewable energy task orders issued under the MATOC by the Army or Department of Defense (DoD). The MATOC leverages the DoD authority to contract up to 30 years under Title 10 USC 2922a.

This MATOC will be used to procure reliable, locally generated, renewable and alternative energy for DoD installations through power purchase agreements (PPA). The $7 billion contract capacity will be expended for PPAs to procure energy during a period of up to 30 years from renewable energy generation systems that are designed, financed, constructed, operated and maintained by contractors using private sector financing.

“Today we awarded the wind technology as part of the $7 billion renewable energy MATOC. We have one remaining technology left to award which is biomass,” said Col. Robert Ruch, commander, U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville. “Awarding these contracts in the four distinct technologies, geothermal, solar, wind, and biomass, will allow us to more quickly award task orders for individual future projects as they are identified. We look forward to working with the EITF and other potential DoD organizations to help implement renewable energy projects.”

Click here for a list of the wind companies award MATOC funds.

Alternative energy, Electricity, military, Wind