Clean Fuels Conference 202

BioEnergy Bytes

Joanna Schroeder

  • BioEnergyBytesDFVIASPACE Inc. has announced that Mr. Khurram Irshad has been elected to the company’s Board of Directors. Mr. Irshad will take an active role in the company and will help lead additional Giant King Grass bioenergy project developments, especially in Pakistan.
  • Boralex Inc., has closed financing for the 22 MW Jamie Creek hydroelectric project in Canada and the 8 MW Vron wind power project in France. Construction at Jamie Creek is underway with operations expected to begin in first quarter 2014 while the Vron wind power project is expected to go online in September 2013.
  • Greg Staiti of Weaver and Tidwell. L.L.P. has been announced as the latest speaker confirmed for the RIN Academy on August 26, 2013. Staiti will explain best strategies for risk and liability mitigation in today’s biofuels marketplace; provide step by step detail on how the EPA’s enforcement team handles cases of non-compliance; and offer advice on how to respond to notices of violation (NOV).
  • Solar enthusiasts – expert or novice — are invited to volunteer as Solar Area Educators with the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society (MRES) and the Connect To The Sun exhibit in The Eco Experience building at the Minnesota State Fair. MRES needs volunteers (18+ years) to staff the Solar Area of The Eco Experience. Volunteers receive free State Fair admission, solar training, and an Eco Experience t-shirt.
  • Goldwind USA has closed a $71 million project financing deal for the 55 MW Penonome wind farm located in the Province of Cocle, Panama. According to the company, this project is the largest wind energy project utilizing Goldwind’s wind turbines financed by western leaders.
Bioenergy Bytes