Clean Fuels Conference 202

BioEnergy Bytes

Joanna Schroeder

  • BioEnergyBytesDFSolar Energy International is training a workforce and enabling them to increase universal access to electricity through renewable energy development in Central America. La Academia de Profesionales Solares de las Américas (APSA) will train 50 people representing countries, communities, and organizations throughout Central America and Mexico to design, install, and maintain solar PV systems and to successfully launch and administer businesses in this critically important industry.
  • Intermountain Wind and Solar is offering a guide covering the benefits of wind and solar power in Utah and the impact they have on wallets and the environment.
  • National Fleet Hybrids has partnered with Lightening Hybrids to sell, install and distribute Lightning’s hydraulic hybrid retrofit systems. The partnership brings together two companies focused on providing fuel-efficient technologies to fleets of shuttle buses and other medium-duty vehicles.
  • U.S. Energy Initiatives Corporation has received a patent assignment of a proprietary biofuel patent entitled GREEN RECYCLED DERIVED BIOFUEL (RDBF). This patented fuel was designed for automotive, aviation and stationary electrical power applications.
  • To mark the 5th Annual Global Wind Day, held on June 15 th, the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) launched the second annual Power of Wind Blog Contest with bursary prizes for students entering post-secondary education. Students from across Canada can submit a 300 word blog on the subject of Building a clean energy future. Students should use their creativity and write about how they are or can become part of a renewable energy future.
Bioenergy Bytes