A bill repealing Florida’s Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) was signed into law Friday by Gov. Rick Scott to the disappointment of many ethanol and other biofuel supporters.
State Representative Debbie Mayfield of Vero Beach, led the opposition to the repeal of the requirement which was passed in 2008 when her late husband Stan Mayfield chairman of the Florida House energy committee. “We said that we were going to be a renewable energy state,” said Mayfield.
The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) supported the repeal, but long-time member and strong ethanol supporter Bobby Likis says they did not speak for him. “The automotive industry, businesses and consumers SEMA is purported to serve will regret this action, which is not based on facts but rather on misinformation, myths and interests spear-headed by a few,” said the automotive technician and talk show host, adding that those supporting the repeal ignored the interests “of the consumer, advancing technology, independence from foreign oil and American business development and financial success.”
“As this country struggles to comeback from recent economic hardships, it is sad to watch a state legislate away good paying jobs in the renewable energy sector and the abundant economic opportunities that come along with them,” said Bob Dinneen of the Renewable Fuels Association and Tom Buis with Growth Energy in a joint statement, noting that the federal Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) supersedes any state law. “This toothless legislation might win favor with Big Oil supporters, but it has closed the door on job creation by the biofuels industry and sent investors packing for more visionary states. This is most definitely a lost opportunity for people of Florida.”