Clean Fuels Conference 202

Iowa Biodiesel Plants at Just Over Half Capacity

John Davis

ia-rfaIowa’s biodiesel plants are at just over half capacity … leaving a lot of room for growth of the green fuel in the state. The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) says the refineries are at 54 percent capacity in the first quarter of 2013, producing 42.7 million gallons.

Nine of the state’s 12 biodiesel plants reported production. If all 12 Iowa biodiesel facilities operated at full capacity, they would produce 315 million gallons in one year. The industry is focused on promoting higher biodiesel blends to boost demand and maximize the biodiesel industry’s positive impacts on the state’s economy.

“While the first quarter was solid start, biodiesel production in Iowa has plenty of room to grow,” stated IRFA Communications Director T.J. Page. “Iowa’s famers and policymakers have a real opportunity to further boost biodiesel’s job creation and rural revitalization potential. IRFA continues to urge the Legislature to create a B10 differential in any fuel tax legislation considered this year. We’ve seen a strong move toward B5 blends, but promoting B10 has the potential to double the positive economic impact.”

The release goes on to say how biodiesel is helping farmers’ bottom lines by increasing the price of soybeans, cutting feed costs and raising the value of animal fats for Iowa’s livestock producers.

Biodiesel, Iowa RFA