Clean Fuels Conference 202

AEC Calls for End to Advanced Biofuel Delays

Cindy Zimmerman

aeclogoThe Advanced Ethanol Council (AEC) has sent a letter to the White House expressing concern about ongoing delays in the approval process for advanced biofuel pathways pursuant to the implementation of the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The letter calls for the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to prioritize and approve a number of these pathways to facilitate the program.

“While we understand that the White House and U.S. EPA must be thorough in their analysis when it comes to which advanced biofuels qualify for the RFS, we have gotten to the point where administrative delays are causing project developers to look to other countries to build their facilities,” said AEC Executive Director Brooke Coleman. “The private sector has stepped up to the plate when it comes to advanced biofuels and the RFS, but developers rightly expect resolution on the pathways to start construction on these projects. There is a point where too much delay and uncertainty drives these innovative projects to Brazil and China, and that’s where we are for some of the more critical pathways.”

The AEC points out that some pathway deliberations have been ongoing for three years without any clear timeframe for resolution. “It is absolutely critical for the private investment marketplace to have a transparent, expeditious and predictable resolution process for all proposed pathways, or we face the prospect of losing these projects to other countries, ” the letter states.

advanced biofuels, AEC, Ethanol, Ethanol News