Clean Fuels Conference 202

Genscape Launches 1M QAP-B-Assured RINs

Joanna Schroeder

Through Genscape’s Quality Assurance Plan (QAP), there are now 1,058,000 QAP-B Renewable Identification Numbers (RINa) available for identification to obligated parties using Genscape’s RIN Integrity Network, a visual platform where obligated parties identify producers offering QAP RINs. Genscape’s validation process utilizes the its monitoring technology to offer a cost-effective and truly independent solution to ensure producers are meeting the EPA’s RFS2 regulations.

Genscape Logo Genscape B-RINs are validated using the same  technology and monitoring processes as their A-RINs. “The Genscape B-RIN should be even more valuable than any other QAP provider B-RINs because of the rigor and transparency of Genscape’s processes,” said David Dunn, a broker with Progressive Fuels Limited (PFL). “Their model allows for sign-off on all B-RINs from any producer whereas other providers might not get a blanket acceptance because of their plant-by-plant auditing process.”

Through QAP pre-registration on the EPA website, Genscape is able to provide A-RIN and B-RIN assurance in the interim period between January 1, 2013 and the final QAP rulemaking.

“The interim period enables obligated parties to take advantage of the benefits of affirmative defense and the A-RIN backing before the rule is final. We are aggressively responding to market demand for QAP’d RINs in the interim period,” added Olson.

biofuels, RINS