Clean Fuels Conference 202

EIA Previews New State Energy Portal

Joanna Schroeder

2013_05_smallThe U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has launched the most comprehensive, dynamic, and interactive view of the U.S. government’s national and state energy data and information currently available to the public. The state energy portal adds a unique visual dimension to each state’s energy resources and infrastructure.

The agency designed the new portal with a range of users in mind, including policy makers, energy analysts, and the general public, who want to locate and compare state energy data and rankings and customize their own maps and charts, using an assortment of interactive tools.

“The EIA state energy portal raises the bar for visually segmenting state-level energy data. It provides a wealth of energy information to a wide variety of users, including state officials wanting detailed information on the mix of energy resources in their state, analysts assessing a state’s energy sustainability, or government officials seeking the most comprehensive energy information to help develop energy policy,” said EIA Administrator Adam Sieminski.

The portal takes EIA’s vast portfolio of state energy data and analyses and organizes it geographically. Its comprehensive 30-layer mapping feature provides a dynamic visual representation of energy infrastructure and energy resources at the national, state, Congressional district, or county level. Map layers for Federal lands and Electric Reliability regions are also included.

The new portal is EIA’s response to requests from policy makers and energy experts for quick access to multi-level state energy data presented in an easy-to-understand way. EIA collaborated with state energy officials and other stakeholders on the portal’s design and solicited feedback from the public during the beta phase of the project.
