DF Cast: Wind Energy Tax Credit Welcomed in Iowa

John Davis

Probably no one in the country was more pleased to see the renewal of the wind energy production tax credit than the folks in Iowa, a place that has become a real leader nationwide in wind energy. During the recent Iowa Wind Energy Day, officials and advocates for wind energy expressed their appreciation for the extension… and the hope that it could become more permanent to give more stability to the green industry.

In this edition of the Domestic Fuel Cast, we hear from Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, President of the Board for the Iowa Wind Energy Association Kathy Law and Executive Director of Iowa Wind Energy Association Harold Prior as they talk about what wind power has meant to their state and what potential it holds for the entire country… especially the rural areas.

You can listen to the Domestic Fuel Cast here: Domestic Fuel Cast - Wind Energy PTC Passes

You can also subscribe to the DomesticFuel Cast here.

And check out Joanna’s 2013 Iowa Wind Energy Day Photo Album.

Audio, Domestic Fuel Cast, Government, Wind