Clean Fuels Conference 202

DF Cast: Biodiesel Helps Livestock Producers

John Davis

We’ve known for quite a while that biodiesel is helping the bottom lines of feedstock producers, in particular, the nation’s soybean growers. But a new study from the National Biodiesel Board says livestock producers are also sticking more green in their pockets thanks to the green fuel.

In this edition of the Domestic Fuel Cast, we hear from the NBB’s senior advisor for economic issues, Alan Weber, and NBB member and Nebraska farmer and livestock producer Greg Anderson, who explain the bottom line results from a new study.

Check out the NBB’s reports here: AF T BD Demand Impact Final and SBM Analysis Feb 2011 Final

You can listen to the Domestic Fuel Cast here: Domestic Fuel Cast - Biodiesel and Livestock

You can also subscribe to the DomesticFuel Cast here.

Audio, Biodiesel, Domestic Fuel Cast, livestock, livestock feed, NBB