Lee Enterprises Consulting is hosting a free conference call for those in the biodiesel industry on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 beginning at 2:00 pm CDT. There are several key topcis and speakers featured during the call.
1. “Recent OSHA Developments in Safety and Process Safety Management for Biodiesel Plants,” presented by Nathan Vander Griend with ERI Solutions. OSHA is currently conducting focused inspections under the chemical facility National Emphasis Program (NEP) to verify compliance with the PSM standard (29 CFR 1910.119) at covered facilities that include biodiesel and ethanol biorefineries. Inspections are underway and Vander Griend will counsel producers on PSM requirements and compliance.
2. “Selling Your Biodiesel with RINS: Promoting RIN Integrity,” presented by Susan Olson, Genscape’s RIN Integrity Network. With the volume of biomass-based diesel set at 1.28 billion gallons for 2013 under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), producers need to under what obligated parties need to know to ensure security when buying biodiesel and the associated RINs. Key measures to improve the integrity, transparency and liquidity of the biodiesel and RINs markets will be discussed along with a roadmap to RIN integrity and a pathway to a more efficient biodiesel market will be presented.
3. “The Effect of the New Health Care Legislation on Biodiesel Plants with Employees,” presented by Jim Schmidt, Eide Bailly, CPAs & Business Advisors. With the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in effect, individuals will be required to have health insurance as of January 1, 2014. The Act provides certain incentives and penalties to individuals and businesses related to obtaining or providing health insurance. This session will provide a high level overview of the Act, and how you can obtain information that will allow you to make decisions that are beneficial and cost effective for your business and your employees.
Click here to learn more about the conference call and to register. The event is free but space is limited.