The ethanol industry has retained communications consulting firm The Glover Park Group (GPG) to help with the current situation being faced regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard.
According to a statement from the Renewable Fuels Association, “The Glover Park Group has been retained to help ensure that the job growth, environmental benefits and energy independence afforded by America’s Renewable Fuel Standard are not undermined. Stakeholders in both the traditional and advanced renewable fuel sectors are working to defend the communities, investments and innovation supported by the RFS.”
Both RFA and Growth Energy are reportedly retaining the agency together. Asked specifically about the agency during a press conference Wednesday, Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis sidestepped the issue. “As far as what we do going forward, we’ll make public announcements when we’re ready to do that,” said Buis, indicating that other groups or companies may join with them in the effort.
The Glover Park Group was instrumental in the 2008 “food versus fuel” campaign against ethanol as an agency for the Grocery Manufacturers Association.