Clean Fuels Conference 202

EWEA Event to be Powered Solely by Wind

Joanna Schroeder

Last year the wind industry worked together to create the “WindMade” designation, which means “runs on 100 percent wind power”. Today, it has been announced that the upcoming EWEA 2012 Conference & Exhibition will be the first ever WindMade event. The event is Apri 16-19, 2012 in Copenhagen.

EWEA’s CEO Christian Kjaer said he is proud to be the first organiser of a WindMade event. “EWEA strives to make its events sustainable, and to promote wind energy not only through political lobbying but also by making direct use ofwind power. EWEA is convinced that WindMade will drive investment into this technology, and we encourage other organsiations and events to follow our lead in becoming WindMade.”

To be deemed WindMade the entire conference is being powered by electricity generated from wind. This includes their offices where the event was planned, the Bella Center where the event is being held and all of the social events, some of which are taking place at locations other than the conference center.

“Many conference organisers are already making efforts to ‘green’ their events, and WindMade is pleased to present them with a tool for having their commitment to renewable power certified by a credible label,” said Henrik Kuffner, WindMade’s CEO.

conferences, Electricity, Energy, Wind