Clean Fuels Conference 202

Exhibit Showcases Biodiesel at MN Auto Show

Cindy Zimmerman

The “Biodiesel Green Room” exhibit will showcase the benefits of biodiesel at the Twin Cities Auto Show, March 10-18 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The exhibit includes information on biodiesel, staff to answer questions, and new vehicles like the Audi A3 TDI, which gets an estimated 42 miles per gallon (highway) on B5 biodiesel.

Biodiesel is recognized as a “Clean Air Choice” fuel by the American Lung Association in Minnesota, which is helping to staff the exhibit. “The five percent biodiesel blend now powering diesel vehicles in Minnesota provides roughly the same clean air benefits as removing 55,000 vehicles from the road every year,” said Kelly Marczak, outdoor air program director for the American Lung Association in Minnesota. “The new diesel-powered vehicles are significantly cleaner and quieter than past models, and include advanced pollution control systems.”

Minnesota was the first state in the nation to require biodiesel blends at all diesel retail outlets. The state currently has an annual production capacity of 63 million gallons of biodiesel, made primarily from locally grown soybeans, but can also be produced from a wide variety of renewable sources, including corn, canola and recycled cooking oil. Biodiesel production uses only the oil portion of the soybean, leaving all of the protein available for animal and human consumption.

The exhibit is sponsored by the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council.

Biodiesel, Soybeans