Clean Fuels Conference 202

Soybean Checkoff Promotes Biodiesel and Bioheat

Cindy Zimmerman

For the fourth year, the United Soybean Board (USB) through the soybean checkoff is joining with U.S. Department of Energy-affiliated Clean Cities to build demand for soy biodiesel and Bioheat® in major urban areas by providing some reimbursement incentive.

The Clean Cities program is a government-industry partnership sponsored by DOE that has more than 90 local chapters across the United States working to reduce petroleum consumption. The checkoff has opened the biodiesel reimbursement application process and encourages Clean Cities chapters to partner with Qualified State Soybean Boards for this project. “Hopefully we’ll see more applications for programs that reach out to potential biofuel users in the commercial area, such as heavy trucks and contractor fleets,” says Mike Beard, USB director and soybean farmer from Frankfort, Ind. “We also want to continue to reach those who make decisions in municipal governments.”

The application period will close November 14. Participating chapters will be selected by USB farmer-leaders. USB has provided up to $150,000 to use toward the funding of these soy biodiesel and Bioheat® communications programs. Selected participants in this reimbursement program will be announced in mid-December.

In addition, USB has a second reimbursement program opened for Clean Cities. This will focus on creating demand for soy-based products, many developed with the help of the soybean checkoff. This program will award three reimbursements for up to $10,000 and four reimbursements for up to $5,000.

Biodiesel, Soybeans