Clean Fuels Conference 202

Bill Encourages Domestic Fuel Use for Military

Cindy Zimmerman

The “Domestic Fuel for Enhancing National Security Act” has been re-introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.), who introduced the bill at the end of the last Congress, once again put forth the bipartisan bill which will allow Civilian Agencies and Military Agencies to extend multi-year contracts from the current limit of 5 years to up to 15 years for the purchase of advanced biofuels.

“No one knows better than the Department of Defense that energy supplies are critical to combat troops and our national security,” Inslee said during the bill’s introduction on Wednesday. “To ultimately realize these goals, we must dramatically scale-up advanced biofuel production in the United States. With added Congressional authority to purchase longer-term contracts, our defense sector could adopt domestically produced sustainable fuels for the security of our troops.”

Brent Erickson with the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) says the bill would help scale up advanced biofuel production in the United States. “Expanding the Defense Department’s ability to engage in long-term contracts would provide potential investors and advanced biofuel companies market stability when they commit capital to building new biorefineries,” said Erickson. “The Defense Department recognizes that domestically produced advanced biofuels are vital to our energy security, by for instance shielding the military from volatile energy supplies and prices.”

BIO, biojet fuel, Government