Clean Fuels Conference 202

Biomass Conference Kicks Off in St. Louis

Cindy Zimmerman

The International Biomass Conference is being held this week at the America’s Center in St. Louis.

Domestic Fuel will be there Tuesday morning for the plenary session that starts with a keynote address from Dr. Richard Newell, Administrator, U.S. Energy Information Administration, who recently testified during a Senate Ag Committee Hearing on high gas prices and the role agriculture may play in developing energy sources for America.

That will be followed by an industry roundtable: Our Industry in a Changed Political Landscape. The panel will include Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Bob Dinneen, National Biodiesel Board CEO Joe Jobe, Algal Biomass Organization Executive Director Mary Rosenthal, Advanced Biofuels Association president Michael McAdams, Charlie Niebling with the Biomass Thermal Energy Council, Biomass Power Association CEO Robert Cleaves and Norma McDonald of the American Biogas Council.

Questions for the panel can be submitted via email.

Biodiesel, biomass, NBB, RFA