Clean Fuels Conference 202

Dynamic Solar Completes PA Solar Project

Joanna Schroeder

The Philadelphia Water Department now has a 250kW solar system complements of Dynamic Solar, LLC. The solar company partnered with CETCO Contracting Services and Nucero Electric to design, engineer and install the ground mounted solar system. The solar array is located at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant and is expected to generated, per year, 330,000 killowatt hours of energy.

“This solar system will be producing clean renewable energy for years to come,” said Mike Perillo, President and CEO of Dynamic Solar. “The City of Philadelphia is setting an example for Pennsylvania in seizing this opportunity to meet the state’s growing demand for energy with solar.”

The Philadelphia Water Department system will displace approximately 220 metric tons of carbon dioxide each year. This is equivalent to replacing 1,075 vehicles from Pennsylvania’s roads over the system’s 25-year warranted period.

Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter is expected to participate in a dedication ceremony on April 25, 2011.

Electricity, Energy, Solar