Coming up next month, the Alamo Area Council of Governments Clean Cities Coalition, in partnership with the FFV Club of America and Protec Fuel, will be conducting an E85 workshop in San Antonio, Texas.
The workshop is being held to continue the steps towards advancing transportation choices and economic development in the region, targeting local government officials, business decision makers, fleets, media professionals, and interested citizens on the benefits and opportunities of flex fuel vehicles and ethanol. It will also connect key flex fuel vehicle fleets with ethanol fuel providers.
Topics covered at the workshop will include: Federal/ State/Private FlexFuel Vehicle fleet in Texas, E85 refueling locations, fuel ethanol production; Meeting the Energy Policy Act, National Renewable Fuel Standards, upcoming compliance issues; Refueling infrastructure funding opportunities, supply logistics, blending economics, future opportunities, 2nd generation ethanol in Texas; National public education and outreach campaign and assistance from national ethanol organizations; FFV fleet operators will share their experiences and provide their lessons learned to the group; and an open forum for fleet managers, fuel providers, and technical assistant support teams to exchange information.
Ethanol workbooks and program materials will also be handed out at this workshop.
The workshop is FREE and will include a lunch beginning at noon and concluding at 3 p.m. on February 10 at the Alamo Area Council of Governments in San Antonio. To RSVP for this workshop, contact Yliana Flores at