More American vehicles will be using more biofuels, as well as electricity and natural gas, in the next 12 years … according to the man in charge of the U.S. government’s investments in General Motors and Chrysler – aka, President Obama’s “car czar.”
This article from Reuters says that U.S. Treasury official Ron Bloom believes the U.S. auto industry will change more in the next dozen years than it did during the past 50 … including the use of alternative energy:
“We will take substantial steps toward using electricity, bio-fuels, and natural gas to power our cars, and those vehicles still using oil will consume far less of it,” Bloom said.
While the percentage of cars using alternative fuels a dozen years from now will still be relatively small, Bloom said, “the shift will be viewed as inevitable, and the trajectory of change will be accelerating with take-off velocity in sight.”
Bloom equates the increase in auto intelligence in the next 12 years to the same leap cellphone technology made in the last dozen years.