As the champagne corks pop this New Year’s Eve, the ethanol industry will be celebrating more than they were a year ago.
In this edition of “The Ethanol Report,” Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen talks about the year that 2010 was for the ethanol industry. “In many ways, 2010 was a record setting year,” Dinneen says. It was record setting for production, at about 13 billion gallons, and for exports. It also was the year that ethanol ran into the blend wall, and that EPA approved at least limited use of up to 15 percent ethanol in regular gasoline. But, the high note was the extension of the blenders tax credit for ethanol during the lame duck session of Congress, a priority for the industry that now provides for a year’s worth of breathing room to move on to the next level.
Listen to the Ethanol Report here: Ethanol Report on 2010