Clean Fuels Conference 202

Swine and Poultry Experts Discuss DDGS Use

Cindy Zimmerman

Swine and poultry producers are using the ethanol co-product distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) as feed for good reasons.

RFADr. Phillip Smith, a nutritionist with Tyson Foods, spoke at the recent Export Exchange event sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and the U.S. Grains Council about the value of DDGS in the poultry sector.

“It’s a very good ingredient for us,” said Dr. Smith. “We’ve used it successfully and the reason we would use a co-product like that is to save money in the diet. It gives us a good cost value, nutrient value, it flows and handles and the birds perform well on it.” He says it can be use as much as 15 percent of the diet for birds, or even more in breeder diets.

He recommended to international buyers who were at the Export Exchange that they try DDGS and work with it. “If it saves money, there’s that incentive, that risk is worth taking,” he said.

Listen to or download an interview with Dr. Phillip Smith here: Phillip Smith Interview

export exchangeSouth Dakota State University Extension swine specialist Dr. Robert Thaler talked about the use of DDGS in hogs and how it helps supply phosphorus in the diet. “Phosphorus supplementation to the diet is very expensive,” he said. “The cool thing is that the phosphorus in DDGS is highly available. So, if you’re replacing dical or monocal with phosphorus coming from DDGS, you’re going to have less phosphorus in the manure, it will probably be cheaper and plus, you’re going to have less environmental problems.”

Dr. Thaler says exporters want quality assurances when it comes to DDGS and they are also wondering how high they can go including DDGS in the diet. “A lot of them are at 5-10 percent inclusion rate in swine diets. Here in the United States, on the growth/finish side, we’re probably 20-30,” he explained. “We just have to get them to realize that there’s nothing magical we’re doing to make that 20-30 percent work.”

Listen to Dr. Thaler’s interview here: Robert Thaler Interview

Audio, Distillers Grains, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, livestock feed, RFA, USGC