Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ethanol Report With New RFA Chairman

Cindy Zimmerman

Kaapa EthanolThe board for directors for the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) last week elected Chuck Woodside, General Manager of farmer-owned KAAPA Ethanol in Minden, Nebraska as the new chairman for the organization. The election was held at RFA’s Annual Membership Meeting in Washington, DC. Woodside succeeds Chris Standlee, Executive Vice President of Abengoa Bioenergy, who served for three one-year terms.

Ethanol Report PodcastChuck Zimmerman interviewed Woodside for this edition of “The Ethanol Report” to find out what his goals are for the coming year and key issues facing the ethanol industry. He said that RFA will be most involved in the coming year in efforts to extend current tax incentives for ethanol use, expanding ethanol markets through higher ethanol blend such as E15 and above, modifying fuel regulations to allow greater ethanol blending, challenging regulation of biogenic emissions by EPA, addressing incomplete science with respect to low carbon fuel regulations, developing next generation ethanol technologies, and expanding the market for distillers grains and other ethanol coproducts.

“This is an exciting time for American ethanol production,” Woodside said. “If acted upon correctly, all of the challenges and opportunities before the industry will usher in a golden era of American ethanol production and help turn the corner toward true energy security in this country. The RFA and its members stand ready, as they always have, to help this industry build bridges and move ever forward.”

Listen to or download the Ethanol Report here: New RFA Chairman

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, RFA