Clean Fuels Conference 202

Bioenergy and Ethanol Market News from USDA

Cindy Zimmerman

USDAProducers, consumers and distributors of bioenergy products can access crucial data through the Bioenergy Market News Reports published by the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service.

The Ethanol reports include data for six regions – Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota and the Eastern Corn Belt. Each report publishes daily corn bids, daily distiller grain prices and a weekly ethanol price. The Weekly Ethanol Summary combines all ethanol reports into a summary report. Futures prices for CME corn and ethanol, as well as NYMEX natural gas and reformulated gasoline can be found on this report. Graphs depicting prices for Iowa ethanol price, Iowa distiller grain price and the price ratio in Iowa between distiller grain and corn are shown.

The National Weekly Ag Energy Roundup includes prices for commodities that can be used to make energy, such as soybean oil, corn oil, tallow and greases. The prices of ethanol and biodiesel are also reported. Additionally, CME and NYMEX futures prices are reported for ethanol, soybean oil, crude oil, reformulated gasoline and natural gas. Graphs are included to show price relationships for several commodities.

There are three reports that report Ethanol Corn and Products Processing Values (Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois). These reports compare the price that ethanol plants pay for corn in their state to the value the ethanol plant receives from the outputs of ethanol and distiller grains.

To access the reports, visit

Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA