U.S. ethanol production continued on a record pace in February. According to information from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), February 2010 ethanol production averaged more than 833,000 barrels per day, 186,000 more than February 2009.
Ethanol demand, as calculated by the Renewable Fuels Association, also reached an all time high of 795,000 barrels per day in February. However, production continues to outpace demand at this point since the allowable blend level of ten percent ethanol in gasoline has basically been reached, according to RFA president Bob Dinneen. “American ethanol markets are nearly full do to the arbitrary 10% restriction EPA currently enforces on ethanol blending,” said Dinneen. “EPA must approve the use of up to 15% ethanol in all vehicles.”
It is expected to be later this summer before EPA rules on the E15 waiver to allow up to 15 percent ethanol blends in regular gasoline.