Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ethanol Industry Welcomes President

Cindy Zimmerman

Growth Energy Growth Energy is so excited to welcome President Obama to member plant POET–Biorefining in Macon, Mo., as part of his “White House to Main Street” tour they took out a full-page ad in Wednesday’s St. Louis Post-Dispatch to greet him.

Text of the ad reads: “The farmers, families, plant workers, local business owners and community members who make up Growth Energy are pleased to welcome President Obama to our member ethanol plant in Macon. President Obama’s support of our nation’s ethanol industry helps create U.S. jobs in hundreds of towns like Macon, while strengthening our energy independence and national security. Mr. President, from the people of Growth Energy, welcome to America’s heartland.”

The President is visiting the POET plant this afternoon to talk to workers and share his ideas for rebuilding our nation’s long-term economy. “We appreciate President Obama’s long-time support for ethanol, and we’re anxious to show him how efficient production today is providing valuable fuel for our nation,” POET CEO Jeff Broin said.

POET Biorefining – Macon was the first ethanol plant in Missouri when it began operations as a 15 million gallon-per-year plant in May 2000. Its success prompted an expansion in 2003 to a capacity of 46 million gallons annually. The plant also produces the high-protein animal feed Dakota Gold® dried distillers’ grains and carbon dioxide for market as part of the ethanol production process. The Macon plant was POET’s fifth in a network that now totals 26 ethanol plants in seven states.

Domestic Fuel will be on-site covering the event and may have live coverage here depending on internet access. Stay tuned.

Ethanol, Growth Energy, POET