Clean Fuels Conference 202

Text Your Way to a Fuel Efficient Car

Joanna Schroeder

The next time you are looking to buy a car, considering reserving a fuel-efficient car by texting. The Ford Fiesta, a popular car in Europe for its good gas mileage, is soon to make its way to the US. Ford is taking reservations for the car, which is estimated to get 40 miles per gallon (mpg) on the highway and 30 mph in the city. To get on the waiting list, simply text “reserve” to 4Ford.

According to the company, they already have 6,000, 2011 Fiesta’s on hold, with half coming from non-Ford owners. You can also order your car “old-school” by going online and customizing your car. Once it is virtually built, the site will tell you the price.

The cost for the Fiesta begins around $14,000 and will be available Summer of 2010.

Car Makers, Miscellaneous