Clean Fuels Conference 202

Book Review – the Citizen-Powered Energy Handbook

Joanna Schroeder

Citizen Powered Energy Book CoverI have written often that the best way for our country to transition to alternative energy is through the community – not through the government. As such, the book, “The Citizen-Powered Energy Handbook Community Solutions to a Global Crisis,” by Greg Pahl fits nicely into my thesis.

“Community-supported energy (CSE) is similar to community-supported agriculture (CSA), except that instead of investing in carrots, tomatoes, or chicken, local residents invest in greater energy security and a cleaner environment. Local ownership and control allows the community to create a project that meets its particular needs while addressing its concerns about size, scale, and location.”

Pahl covers all forms of energy from wind to solar to hydro-electric to biomass to biofuels. He even touches on the never-going-to-happen technologies, Thermal depolymerization (TDP), a process that turns virtually any carbon-based waste material like tires, old computers and plastic bottles into energy. The second form is zero point energy. This involves harnessing the universe’s “dark matter” and converting it into energy. Very interesting stuff.

The author definitely has some creds for the topic he chooses and he and his wife have installed various forms of solar energy and wind in several of their Vermont homes. But like the trap that Friedman finds himself stuck in, so is Pahl. Too much technical information bogs the reader down from the need to know info. But aside from that, if you are interested in helping your community create its own energy and economic wealth, then this book is a good place to start.

To read this book or any other book I’ve reviewed, visit this link.

book reviews