Clean Fuels Conference 202

Cobalt Biofuels Named a Global Cleantech 100 Company

Joanna Schroeder

460x276-2Guardian News & Media recently announced their Global Cleantech 100 presented by the Guardian. Although this was the first year the list was created, more than 3,500 nominations were submitted. On this year’s list were 55 American based companies including Mountain View, California based Cobalt Biofuels. The list includes companies that are on the forefront of cleantech innovation. Cobalt Biofuels was recognized on the basis of its innovative technology for the production of biobutanol from non-food lignocellulosic material.

“It is a high honor to be included in the Global Cleantech 100 as it recognizes the rapid progress we have made toward our goal of commercializing biobutanol and the tremendous promise that biobutanol offers as a next generation biofuel,” said Rick Wilson, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Cobalt Biofuels.

The 2009 list represents the collective opinion of hundreds of experts from cleantech innovation and venture capital companies in EMEA, North America, India and China, combined with the specific input of an expert panel of 35.

“The first ever Global Cleantech 100 shines a spotlight on which companies and which technology areas the global innovation community is most excited about from a commercial standpoint,” said Richard Youngman, managing partner at Cleantech Group.

biobutanol, Energy, Environment, News