Twitter has become all the rage and the ethanol industry is not to be left out. Next week, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is hosting a Twitter chat, #FuelChat where for one hour, people can chat about all things ethanol. The first #FuelChat will be Wednesday, July 29 at 8:00 p.m. EDT. Every other week the RFA will seek to bring expert opinion, policymakers, and other influential voices in the biofuels world to the Twitterverse to discuss the most pressing issues facing the industry.
The RFA is also pleased to be working with ZimmComm as the moderator of #FuelChat. If you have any questions about the event, please tweet Chuck Zimmerman at @agriblogger or Robert White with the RFA at @fuelinggood.
So how does it work? For those of you already using Twitter, we recommend using the application TweetChat to participate. The name of the chat is #FuelChat. For those of you not using Twitter, the first step is visit Twitter and set up your account. After that, the same steps apply.
The first #FuelChat will focus broadly on the topic of ethanol use in America and explore issues such as E15, E85, blender pumps, small engines and more. If you have a question related to this topic that you would like to see posed, please tweet Chuck Zimmerman at @agriblogger or Cindy Zimmerman at @farmpodcaster. And BTW, I also Twitter @jmschroeder.
When you realize how cool this is, keep up to date on ethanol issues every day by signing up to follow the RFA and ZimmComm staff. Here are RFA’s Twitter handles:
Official RFA @ethanolrfa
Bob Dinneen @ethanolbob
Christina Martin @ethanolt
Robert White @fuelinggood
Missy Ruff @renewablefuel
Bailey Rall @brall
#FuelChat: See you in the Twitterverse on July 29th at 8:00 p.m. EDT.