Clean Fuels Conference 202

Book Review – A Presidential Energy Policy

Joanna Schroeder

12x18_front_cover_300widePeak Oil has been a topic of interest since the infamous M. King Hubbert predicted when both the U.S and the world would see peak oil. Yet, there are still millions of people in denial, says Michael C. Ruppert and these people need to “get angry” so they can move to the step of acceptance that we’re running out of oil. Do I foresee a 12 step program for oil addiction coming our way? This is just the beginning of what Ruppert writes about in his new book, A Presidential Energy Policy: Twenty-five Points Addressing the Siamese Twins of Energy and Money. Just in case you’re unclear, this book was written for President Obama to help guide him in making energy decisions on behalf of the country.

As the country attempts to push forward legislation that would spur alternative energy and reduce global climate change, this statement becomes apropos: “Before we instantly accept alternative energy lifeboats that will allegedly let us keep our current lifestyles, don’t you think it wise to see if they float?” A valid point and one in which Ruppert answers yes, and here is the criteria:

  • 1.    Does the energy source have a positive net energy balance?
  • 2.    Is the energy regime a substitute or just scavenging?
  • 3.    Have the Claims Been Verified by an independent third party?
  • 4.    Is the energy available 24/7 as needed?
  • 5.    Is the energy transportable over distance?
  • 6.    Is the energy source applicable for the region?
  • 7.    Does the inventor claim ZERO ollution?
  • 8.    How destructive of the environment is this energy source?

Ruppert is a man on a mission with nothing to lose. He takes the readers through a critique of everything that’s wrong with America. Energy policy, energy consumption (too high) the joke that are clean coal, shale oil and tar sands. However, before you get to discouraged, he does offer some solutions that eventually lead up to his “25 Points”.

One solution: localization. The battle will be won by the actions of our communities, not by the actions of the federal government. Another solution: population reduction. At the rate the world population is growing, versus the rate that we are reducing farmland to grow food, we will kill ourselves off unless we reduce the number of people in the world to a sustainable level. Interestingly, the sustainable number for the U.S. is 200 million people and we have more than 330 million today.

A Presidential Energy Policy is definitely rife with fodder, and agree or disagree, he forces you approach energy policy in a different way.

To read this book or any book I review, click here.

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